Sabtu, 02 April 2011


Hi! I'm back again on blogspot since my old blog ( has been deleted a long time ago for some reason, hahaha. So, I came back here because I miss blogging so much, and I think I need something to put and share my story on when I don't have someone to share with (pardon my bad english -,-). But, I swear I will not put the stories of my life too often here because it's not a diary and people would be boring and not coming to this site anymore :p (kaya ada yang baca aja -,-). By the way, I want to share with you about this blog :p

Why I named my new blog
Because, sometimes I feel like a drama queen with everything's going around me -,- but unlike the others drama queen, I don't like to make up stories and spread them to people just to get attention. NO.
So I named it, notsodramaqueen :)

Why I choose My life is a Tv series as my blog's title?
Because, I always imagine my life as a Tv series, with me as the main cast and God as the director, hehehe. It's not ordinary, but trust me, it will makes your life a little bit fun :)

So, yeah... maybe that's enough to explain my new blog. I hope everyone will love it as much as I do :) Bye!

much love,


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